January 01, 2015

Happy New Year My Friends!!!

I'm beginning 2015 with a few changes. As you can see, the biggest change for 2015 is blogging at wordpress. I also have a new blog name that I think relates better to my posts. I am still learning how it works, but wordpress seems to be a lot more user friendly than the last time I checked it out.

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and Hanukkah. I was so happy to have all my family together, even though our time together was much too short. I hate to admit it, but after working non-stop in the weeks leading up to Christmas, and then the work of having company for a week, I'm kind of glad it's over. But I started missing them the minute they pulled out of the driveway on their way home.

December was a busy month for us. We began the month trying to finish a couple of kitchen projects which stretched into the week before Christmas. Then it was a rush trying to get all the construction clutter out of the house, bedrooms cleaned for Christmas guests, and putting up decorations. Both daughters, son-in-law, their little dog, and my mother stayed with us. The tree was finally decorated the day before they arrived. Talk about just making it under the wire.

I wasn't going to make any resolutions this year, but I have found it so difficult to make a blog post lately that I have decided to make just a few blog resolutions. I'm going to call them goals. The word goals sound more determined than resolutions, don't you think?

1. I am going to make a blog post every day for the month of January, even if it's just one sentence. Hopefully, that will get me back in the habit of posting and inspiration will follow.

2. I am going to list my unfinished projects on the sidebar with deadlines for finishing. Of course I have to find them first in whatever closet corner I hid them in the process of "decluttering" for Christmas. It's still clutter, just hidden clutter now.

3. I am going to start a new project every month and not leave it unfinished.

4. I am going to keep track of my projects so I can see what is worthwhile and what is a waste of time and money.

5. I am going to host a home improvement blog party for a month this spring and see what happens.

6. I am going to clear the clutter and finally hang pictures on my walls, and maybe even find those long lost gift cards.

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