August 31, 2018

I Got Hammered Late One Night

It's September first already. Where has the time gone?

I'm feeling a lot better and have started working on projects again. I'll try to take some pictures soon. I spent one day building a couple of cabinets and was surprised I had that kind of energy and that I could take the heat in the garage all day. That evening, I decided to take it easy and just do a little cleanup. One thing I wanted to do was hang the brooms behind the garage door. Easy enough, just put a couple of nails in the wall siding. But no, that T1-11 siding is hard! I hammered two or three times, stubbornly thinking I could drive a nail through 3/8 inch plywood without drilling a pilot hole. One more good whack and I'd have it in, I thought. The hammer glanced off the nail and onto my thumb, tearing out the skin on the side.

After I stopped the bleeding, I held my thumb up, half expecting to see it visibly pulsing like some big, red, cartoon thumb. It wasn't. It did put me out of action for a few days though.

Lesson learned. Drill pilot holes in T1-11!