January 08, 2020

2020 Declutter Challenge Week 2

This week's mission is to tackle that mountain of paperwork I've been avoiding. It may be making a system for paying bills, or filing, or just sorting through that big pile on the desk. I normally pay bills and deal with paperwork at the kitchen table, and my "In" folder is on an antique desk beside my bed. I said antique desk because it's not much of a desk. No drawers, just a small, fold out top, which isn't convenient. I have a desk in the attic, but somehow, it has become the dumping ground for any and everything office related. It is the mountain I want to reduce to a mole hill this week.

How do you control your paperwork? Do you have a system that works so you don't end up with a pile you dread going through?


  1. Mail is something that stacks up here and we've had mounds pile up. We went through it all and put most of it in the recycle bin and now we take care of the mail each day and there are no more piles. It's an accomplishment that we're enjoying very much.

    Have a fabulous day, Marti and good luck. ♥

  2. I keep a rolling three drawer cart next to my bill paying desk. I "file" things in the drawers. Every couple of months I got through it and move things to permanent files. It keeps things tidy around the desk, but it does mean I'm handling paperwork twice. But it works for how I pay bills, usually when I have 5 minutes here and there.


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