October 05, 2019

Cleaning Up and Then Making More Sawdust

Our workshop had gotten so cluttered that it took as long to clear stuff off the workbench as it did to actually make something. Wood was on the workbenches, on the sawhorses, leaning against the wall, and piled on the floor. And we had gotten lax with the sawdust cleanup, so it was a real mess. Needless to say, you don't get to see a BEFORE picture.

I started by clearing out the kitchen corner so I could move the freezer. When we moved here, the compressor on our all fridge quit working, so we bought a new refrigerator with freezer and moved the old freezer to the garage. It was right beside the door into the house but that wasn't a great spot for it. It was hot and blocked access to the counterspace. So I moved it to the opposite end of the garage kitchen, thinking I would switch the door so it opened from the other side. But the all fridge/all freezer sets don't have that option, and opening the door was a real nuisance, especially if there was something like a scaffold in front of it. So my goal for cleaning was just to clear the area to move the freezer. And it snowballed from there. (I had already cleaned quite a bit before I took this BEFORE picture.)  You can see we still need to put up quite a bit of wall board.  All in good time.

I spent all day Friday, sorting materials into groups and stacking them flat on 2x4's so they will stay flat and dry until we need them. Luckily, only one board was warped and one had some sun damage. So we got lucky that our neglect didn't cost us too much. Sorry it's so dark. I was shooting into the light.

My goal is to turn these materials into the projects they were bought for, so once I got the table saw and workbench cleared off, I started on the plywood pile. I had a specific project in mind, and made a good start on it and on another set of bookshelves. Then I made use of the cut offs. Can you guess what I'm going to make with them?


  1. Hi Marti: I am looking forward to seeing what you will be making.
    It looks like you have been a very busy bee getting things in order.
    I hope you had a great weekend.


  2. Keeping up with the stuff is as challenging as doing something with the stuff. Glad you made inroads on both sides of it.


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