May 03, 2010

Critter Cam

The other day I noticed this cute squirrel peeking over the top of the false frontier front on the shed. Then it climbed over and sat on the deer antlers Hubby nailed on front. I thought it didn't know how to get off when I noticed it was eating the antlers!

Critter cam caught a couple of squirrel pictures too.

Also caught a cat that thought it was coming through under cover of darkness. I think it's a cat that lives at the other end of the street.

When I first saw this next picture, I thought a raccoon had visited the critter pond about 1 a.m. But closer inspection showed it was a cat with a striped tail. I really need to move that camera a little closer to the pond.

I took out the plants and Hubby cleaned out the pond. The lilies have been blooming for about a week. I think this is Pink Opal with Arc-en-Ciel. Sadly, none of my tropical lilies made it through the winter.

A couple of the goldfish. Greedy things think it's dinner time.

Butterfly koi. They are traumatized after the cleaning and are staying at the bottom of their four foot pool.

In the front yard, coreopsis are taking over the flower bed.

Until next time, may you have blessings and candid camera moments,

1 comment:

  1. Wow you got some wonderful photos for today Marti! The squirrel ones are just soo funny. He looks like he thinks he is getting away with something!
