December 28, 2020

2020 Was a Year of Throwing out the Old

The older I get, the less stuff I want. The less stuff, the less cleaning. The less cleaning, the more time for fun. That's the plan. The hard part has been getting rid of all. this. stuff! I've offered it to my friends, I've listed it on buy/sell/swap groups, and I've listed it free on facebook's local town group. As one of my friends so crudely put it, "I don't want your crap to become my crap." True, some things are old enough to be antiques, but some things were still brand new in the box. I've given away a total of two items; I had to beg Hubby to load up the rest and haul it to the thrift store. He hates doing that for some reason. Maybe for the same reason he hates returning things to stores, although there, I think it's the standing in line part.

After my second eye surgery, I experience dry eyes and asked Hubby to buy me some eye drops from the store. When he brought it to me, I noticed it was contact lens solution and no where on the box did it say it could be used as eye drops or for dry eyes. He wouldn't take it back. So the next time he went to a bigger town, I asked him to buy me some eye drops. That evening when he handed me the box and, you guessed it, another box of contact lens solution.

But back to the ridding of stuff. It seems that I am not the only one trying to simplify in 2020. I wonder if it's the extra spare time we all had this year, or if other people have just looked around and realized how much easier life would be without all that stuff. I'm not sure why younger people aren't taking anything though, especially when it is free. Maybe because it isn't new? I couldn't even give away a doll and cradle. I think it's because it didn't do anything. It didn't transform into something else, the doll didn't walk and talk, and neither shot arrows out of hidden parts. It is just a doll and cradle and my kids spent hours rocking everything from dolls and stuffed animals to real live puppies. The puppies weren't keen on rocking so it was back to dolls and stuffed animals.

Oh well. The thrift store reopens Wednesday.


  1. Hubby and I have spent a lot of this year getting rid of stuff we no longer use. It's been most fun to slim down on the stuff in our house. Less is more.

    I had to laugh about the eyedrops. Bless his heart.

    Have a fabulous day and a very happy New Year, my friend. ♥

  2. We bet someone at the thrift store will find that dolly and cradle and the love weillbegin again.

  3. Marti - so many are in dire straits right now, I can't imagine people would not be grateful for things that are free/at greatly reduced prices. I much prefer taking things to thrift stores that just adding them to landfills! Happy New Year to you!

  4. Marti: WE have been doing the same, getting rid of things we no longer need or use, we give to the DAV which is the Savers second hand store, Disabled American Veterans really need our help.
    It saddens me that no one wants the doll and crib, it could be displayed so sweetly someplace with pillows or a group of dolls.
    I got rid of half of my craft room it was such a great feeling.
    Happy New Year to you


  5. I can totally relate! Yes, the older we get the less "stuff" we want. And yes, it's so hard to get rid of things. No one seems to want them. When I was young, I would love, begged, to have other people's used furniture. But the young people today, want everything new and modern, not someone's cast offs. I recently saw a post from a millennial in need asking for donations but he specified "Ikea type furniture". I burst out laughing when I read it. In other words, "I am in need of furniture, but I want it to look cool and modern".

  6. We've been decluttering for the last few years. It's amazing how many kitchen gadgets you can accumulate. Finding the right place to donate something so that it has a second life is the challenge.

  7. Happy new year! Wish you always be happy in 365 days!


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