January 10, 2023

I Just Want My Life Back

About five minutes after submitting the post yesterday morning, my phone rang. It was Mom's assisted living director notifying me that two people there had Covid. A few minutes after that, Mom called to tell me the same thing. I quizzed her with the usual questions and yes, she was running a low fever, and yes, she was really tired. She had just woken from sleeping for over twelve hours. Her back and neck were also aching and she was sneezing and had a runny nose. I wondered if those last two were because the assisted living was spraying the place down with Lysol, but considering her age, I thought we'd better take her to the doctor. I made an appointment, coordinated with Mom and the assisted living staff and we left.

After a long wait at the doctor's office, we were told by the PA that the Covid quick test was negative, but her urinalysis showed a UTI. Since Mom has been battling e-coli for the last year, this was the last thing we wanted to hear. It is resistant to all but one oral antibiotic and after that there will only be IV infusions. But this doctor wanted to start her on that antibiotic now, before the culture comes back and identifies exactly which bacteria it is. She also wanted Mom (which means me) to make a follow up appointment next week with Mom's urogynocologist, despite having an appointment in three weeks. She also wants Mom to see a nephrologist (kidney specialist). I could see my desire to get back to a normal life disappearing into the same endless cycle of doctors' appointments and hours on the phone that wore Hubby and I out last year.

This morning, the PA called (in person!) to say that the longer Covid test results came back and it was positive. So I spent the morning cancelling appointments for the rest of the week and calling doctors, notifying the assisted living, and getting paperwork sent from one place to another. Our afternoon was spent running errands, picking up Mom's medications, and making a grocery store run for her in case we come down with it too. Monday we got home at 8pm and tonight it was 7pm. Yes, 2023 is beginning to look like 2022.


  1. Your poor Mom and poor you guys. Does the assisted living place just make her stay in her space, or will she stay with you? Reading about all you had to do reminded me of when my Mom lived with us from 2002 until she passed at (at 98) in 2010. Doctors appointments and hair appointments kept us pretty busy, and there were so many times I wished my life was freer, but now of course I'd give anything to be busy with her again. Isn't that always the way though? Hope all of you feel better soon.

  2. Hopefully if you can nip the infections in the bud early, 2023 won't be as bad as 2022. Sorry she has Covid, it's definitely not fun.

  3. What an ordeal. I am so sorry for both of you. its hard to be the caregiver, but know your Mom is so appreciative = hugs to yoU!


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