February 01, 2019

Friendly Fill-ins and Friday Funnies

Buddy likes to do the Friendly Fill-ins, but he is at the vet having his claws clipped. He is having a tough time lately. He was diagnosed with kidney disease last summer and doesn't like any of the special cat food the vet wanted him to eat. He also developed an allergy to something and had a couple of steroid shots for that which seemed to help the itching and hair loss, but made his kidneys worse. Then last week, the tip of of one of his claws grew into his pad. The vet clipped that claw but Buddy nearly bit him so we made an appointment to do the rest under sedative. Poor Buddy. And did I mention he has a cataract? Between the two of us, we've decided that growing old is the pits, whether you are human or feline.

So I am going to do the fill-ins, especially since Buddy doesn't know what the Superbowl is, and Buddy can add the funnies when he comes home this afternoon. Here are the fill-ins:

1. Superbowl Sunday ________________________.
2. __________________bores me.
3. If you have _________, you have everything.
4. My skill set could get me a job at _________.

And my answers:

1. Superbowl Sunday is the greatest day of the year to shop at the mall.
2. Football bores me, except I do like critiquing their uniforms. The Saints uniforms are striking. Have you ever noticed that the Cowboys pants are kind of greenish gray and don't match the rest of their uniform at all?
3. If you have health, you have everything.
4. My skill set could get me a job at a uniform shop at the mall.

See what I mean?


Greenish gray pants don't match gray helmets.


Now isn't he, I mean, that uniform pretty?  Perfectly coordinated from head to toe.  "Yes!  This is a striking uniform." Drew Brees says.  (I'm sure that's why he is doing the fist pump.)

Linking up to:
Friendly Fill-Ins Week 142 at 15 and Meowing

Now I'm going to go get some painting done before it's time to pick up Buddy. I've got some rotisserie chicken ready for him when he gets home because he will be ravenous. He hasn't had anything to eat or drink since 10pm last night. I hope they give him some water after he comes out of the sedative.


  1. Poor you and poor Buddy. At least you're doing it together. I love all your fill-ins answers. I hate to shop, so I'll just stay home. We don't have television so we can't watch the game anyway. Well, we don't do sports so it doesn't matter.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to Buddy. ♥

  2. Black and gold are the best uniform colors ! High school - college-- pros-doesn't matter !
    We hope Buddy gets his claws straightened out and that his health problems get under control. Thoughtful of Mom to have the chicken for him !

  3. Poor Buddy. I hope everything went well at the vets. I agree, growing old is no fun.

    1. It went ok but he must not have been on his behavior. They said he wasn't very cooperative.

  4. Popor Buddy: Blondie the cat sends kisses, I hope he is happy at home now.
    We cut Blondies claws, I found a way to keep her from biting just hold her behind the neck like a mom cat does to her babies it works for us.
    I totally love the fill ins, I love the uniforms of the Green Bay Packers of course I am a Packer backer but forget the cheese hats not for me.

  5. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I agree completely with #3. I hope Buddy is OK and enjoyed his chicken.

  6. Hope Buddy is feeling lots better and really enjoyed his chicken. I see what you mean about the Cowboys uniforms. Maybe someone is color blind?

  7. I agree with: "3. If you have health, you have everything."

    have a great day

    1. I think it takes an experience with bad health to really understand.

    2. I also agree with "3". Health is everything and I speak from personal experience.

  8. I hope your kitty did Ok after you picked him up. Football bores me , but it is giving me time to catch up on blogs! Yay.

  9. Marti - as my 90-year-old Mother likes to say - growing old is not for the faint of heart! I hope Buddy gets some relief … As for the Super Bowl - we always have a party at our house, and within the first quarter I can figure out whether this is a game worth watching. Yesterday? NOT!!!

  10. We are sending lots of purrs and prayers to sweet Buddy! And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! I don't know if I'll ever again be able to look at a photo of a football player without determining if their uniform coordinates well. At least that will make the sport a bit less boring!


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